New Adventure is This Way
If you are reading this blog it means that my website has launched and I am on my way to my next adventure. Welcome to Pathway Leadership Group! Do you ever wonder what you should be doing with your life and if you are on the right path? You might say it took me awhile to get to where I am today. I believe that every different path I took and every choice has landed me right where I need to be. If I can give you a tip it would be to think of your own life as a really awesome adventure.
My adventure includes creating Pathway Leadership Group because I am intrigued with leadership development. I also love working with youth and young adults who have stepped up and want to lead. Youth and Young Adults have an amazing ability to show up, to ask questions and to be all in. We are living in changing times and being a leader at any stage of life has become noisy. Media and pop culture is telling us who are important people, what values we should aspire to and who should be central in our life. My worry is that we are starting to define ourselves as leaders based on a set of criteria that has been superimposed upon us instead of focusing on what is most important which is to be bold and courageous leaders.
Pathway Leadership Group believes that great leaders do the right thing. Leaders inspire people. They challenge the way things are. They dream about new possibilities. Leaders are innovators who find ways to develop and lead in order to vision the future. When you live and lead on purpose you will be transformed – welcome to the adventure!
Ruth-Ann Shantz, Pathway Leadership Group